Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Artist or Nut Job?

Artist or Nut Job? The difference is really only the matter of a couple decades.

Art now-a-days often brings comments such as "I could have done that, if I thought of it" or "Whats the point?" Well the difference between an artist and you is that the artist DID think of it and they DID do it. Thats kinda the point of a lot of modern art. The work of New York City artist Eric Doeringer is no exception. His Mole Replica Tattoo Project for example.

mole tattooThe Mole Tattoos are replicas of my moles. A collector may choose any mole on my body, and I tattoo a copy in the identical location on his or her body. In addition to the tattoo, each collector receives a signed Polaroid of the original mole. Click Here to see images of the Polaroids.
I presented this project in July, 2003 at Spaceworks Gallery and tattooed four people during the opening. You can email me to make an appointment for a mole tattoo of your own.

Now who in their right mind would want a tattooed replica of a mole on some crazy kid in New York. I bet I know a few people. For $20 or so it would make an interesting story to tell your friends or grandchildren. Unlike a regular tattoo, if you regret getting it done down the line, rather than multiple expensive laser removal treatments you could just ignore that its there and no one would have a clue.

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